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How to use FTP and SFTP server

· 3 min read
Customer Care Engineer

How to use an FTP server?

When working with FTP and SFTP servers, it is important to understand how to properly connect and protect your data. In this guide, we will look at step-by-step instructions on how to set up connections to FTP and SFTP servers, and learn how to use SSH keys to increase connection security.

Using a special FTP client is the best way to simplify your life when working with FTP. The user-friendly interface will allow you to send and receive data from your computer to the server. The most popular FTP clients are:

  • WinSCP for Windows

  • Transmit

  • Cyberduck

  • Filezilla

Let's consider connecting to the server using Filezilla on Windows.

  1. Open the site manager (File – Site manager). Click the "New site" button.


  1. Enter the connection name and login credentials

  2. Select the encryption mode "Use explicit FTP over TLS if available"

  3. Click "Connect"

  4. Now you can work with the FTP server and upload the first data to it

How do you use an SFTP server?

  1. Open the site manager (File – Site manager). Click the "New site" button.


  1. Enter the connection name and access data

  2. Select the SFTP protocol from the General tab

  3. Click "Connect"

  4. Now you can work with the SFTP server and upload the first data to it

We recommend that you always choose the SFTP protocol for your work. All FTP functions are available here and SSH protects your data.

How to use SSH keys with SFTP

SSH keys allow you to authenticate without a password. Keys are a set of hundreds of different characters, including upper and lower-case Latin characters and special characters. The total length is often between 1024 and 4096 bits. Authentication requires two SSH keys, one public and one private.

  • Public keys are available to everyone. It is used to encrypt data when accessing the server. Simply put, it is a set of characters that we use to encrypt information.

  • The private key is the key to the lock. It decrypts the data. You need to be much more careful with it: keep it safe and do not give it to second parties.

In the Edit menu, go to Settings. Under Connection › SFTP, you can add your existing SSH private key. In Site Manager select Interactive logon type to connect to the SFTP site.


How to generate SSH keys

You can create public and private keys using the PuTTYgen. PuTTY stores keys in its own format in .ppk files. To create a new key pair, select the type of key to generate from the bottom of the screen. RSA with 2048 bits is the most popular type.


Then click Generate, and start moving the mouse within the Window. Putty uses mouse movements to achieve randomness. When complete, the public key should appear in the Window. Save the key as a .ppk file.


Installing the public key

Access to an account is granted by adding the public key to a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the server.

To add the public key, log into the server, edit the authorized_keys file, and cut and paste the public key to the authorized_keys file. Save the file. Add a private key (.ppk) file to PuTTY. Then test if login works.

It is recommended that all SSH keys be regenerated and changed periodically.


Using FTP clients and following our instructions, you can easily manage files on the server. Do not forget about the importance of SSH keys to protect your data, update them regularly and follow security rules to minimize risks when working with remote servers.

FTP is an outdated technology

· 3 min read
Customer Care Engineer

The FTP protocol is prevalent because of its simplicity and availability. However, it needs to be updated and more secure. Here we tell you why you should give it up.

Problems in the FTP architecture

In general, FTP does not have the level of security required for the modern Internet, and the overall design of the protocol is unsuitable for the modern Internet. It was developed in the 1970s, when the requirements for technology were very different from those of today. Let's understand a bit more about its design.

FTP operates on two channels: command channel and data channel. The data channel has two transmission modes - active and passive.

The difference between active and passive mode is on whose side the establishment of a data connection is initiated.

In passive mode, the server opens a random port from the dynamic range on its side and informs the client about it; the client initiates a TCP connection to this port.

In active mode, a random port from the dynamic range is opened from the client side and it is the server that initiates the TCP connection. In most cases, this mode is not suitable due to the peculiarities of address translation (NAT) settings on the part of home Internet providers, which will not allow to establishment of an incoming connection with the client device.

Disadvantages of FTP

To upload any file through FTP client and server have to exchange a very large number of messages. This leads to the loss of a lot of time and resources.

Delays occur not only at the FTP level but also at the TCP level because transferring each individual file requires opening a new TCP connection. If you need to transfer more than "a few" files, this is extremely inconvenient.

Another problem is that it is impossible to check if the transfer was completed successfully. The server does not even know the size of the file. If something fails to load during the transfer, neither the client nor the server will know about it.

FTP has other limitations that make working with it extremely inconvenient. For example, you cannot delete directories. You have to delete all files individually, and then delete the directory itself.

In addition, FTP does not support special characters. There are some ways to still use them, but these temporary solutions will inevitably cause problems at work.

There are big privacy issues as well. In FTP, credentials are transmitted unencrypted. The username and password are transmitted in plain text that can be read by anyone capable of intercepting network traffic.

The data itself is not encrypted either. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to send any sensitive information via FTP.

In the case when you still need to use the FTP protocol must pay special attention to the protection of the connection to the Internet. This is a topic for a separate article, but at least it is better not to use public wi-fi networks and use a VPN, preferably on your own server.

A secure alternative to FTP - SFTP

Of course, there are several alternatives. Let's talk about the best option among them. This is SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol). Its most obvious advantage is security and data encryption.

Other benefits of SFTP include:

  • pause and resume data transfer,

  • complete stop of file transfer,

  • the ability to execute basic administrative commands,

  • metadata transfer.

By using SSH within the SFTP protocol, you get these benefits:

  • Client and Server Authentication. SSH authenticates based on a public and private key pair. This allows you to accurately determine that the client requesting connection to the server is legitimate.

  • Data encryption. RSA, DSA, and other types are available.

  • Data transmission through a single port reduces the likelihood of an MITM attack.

So, the only reason FTP is still popular and used is force of habit. But that habit should be gotten rid of. And switch to SFTP.