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Linux VPS Hosting - What is and How to Choose?

· 3 min read
Customer Care Engineer

What is a Linux VPS?

VPS (Virtual Private Server) is a virtual dedicated server, which is part of a physical server divided into several virtual machines. VPS with Linux is a virtual server running the free and open source Linux operating system. It is a go-to solution for 95-99% of cases.

Benefits of VPS with Linux

A Linux VPS has all the benefits of a physical server, but Linux is free, open source, and gives you full access and control to customize your server as you see fit. There are many Linux distributions available, including CentOS and Ubuntu, each with its own benefits and use cases. Windows operating systems are expensive and offer much less flexibility and customization options.

Linux VPS illustration 1

VPS with Linux provides:

Dedicated Resources:

A certain amount of CPU, RAM, and disk space is guaranteed.

Full control:

Full access to the server and you can install any software compatible with Linux and necessary for your tasks.


It's easy to increase or decrease the resources of your VPS depending on your needs.

Use Cases for a Linux VPS

A Linux VPS can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

Web hosting:

A Linux VPS is a great solution for hosting websites on WordPress, Drupal, OpenCart, Joomla, Magento, and other applications. It provides high performance, reliability, and security.

Development and testing:

A Linux VPS is a great platform for developing and testing software. It allows you to create an isolated development environment that helps to avoid conflicts with other applications.

Data storage:

A Linux VPS can be used to store data. It provides high reliability and security.

Game servers:

A Linux VPS is a popular solution for hosting game servers. It provides high performance and low latency, which is necessary for a good gaming experience.

How to Choose a Linux VPS

When choosing a Linux VPS, you should consider:

Your needs:

What do you need the VPS for? What applications will you be running on it? How many users will be working with the server simultaneously?

The resources you need:

How much CPU, RAM, and storage space will you need?

The Linux distribution:

There are many distributions of Linux available, each with its own features.

The cost:

Consider the price of the hosting itself, as well as any additional costs for a control panel and technical support.

Which disks to choose for a VPS (SSD, NVMe, HDD)


The most affordable type of disk. They have a large capacity but low read/write speed, suitable for backup, data storage, and streaming, e.g. video encoding.


They are characterized by high read and write speed, but have limitations on data rewriting up to several million operations. Used for databases, high-load applications, and file storage, which require fast access.


They have the highest read and write speeds, several times higher than regular SSDs, but their rewrite resource is no higher than that of regular SSDs. When working with applications requiring high performance, the disk resource can be exhausted quickly. Suitable for storing a lot of files, or for a database if the main load is reading.

Linux VPS illustration 2

We regularly update our OS templates, so you can always install the latest version of a particular Linux distribution on your server.

The most popular distributions are: Ubuntu, Debian, Alma, and Rocky.


One of the most popular Linux distributions. It is easy to use and has a large community of users. Suitable for beginners and experienced users. Offers a wide range of software. If you need help deciding which distribution to choose, we recommend starting with Ubuntu.


A stable and reliable Linux distribution. Suitable for servers that need to run without interruption. Offers a wide selection of software packages. Ideal for those who value stability and security.


A new distribution created by the CentOS community. Compatible with CentOS Stream. Offers high stability and security. Ideal for those who want to use CentOS Stream without a subscription.

Rocky Linux:

Another new distribution created by the CentOS community. Compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux. High performance and reliability. Ideal for those who want to use Red Hat Enterprise Linux without paying.

Configure your Linux VPS

Choose one of our tariffs, according to the parameters of your project and your server management skills:

Virtual servers VPS

Fully managed VPS hosting tariff includes:

–automatic backup

24/7/365 premium technical support

free, easy, and intuitive server control panel FASPANEL